Blog2020 ≫ Dry-vegan-runuary day seventeen

Up early and out to run before work, even though the weather was not ideal, so I didn't get dragged into a cross-country run at lunchtime. Was planning to run round Sandgate but it felt like the wind was going the wrong way, I'd rather have the wind in my face on the way out and the wind at my back on the way home, so I ran to Hythe instead.

Not drinking is still going fine. I got some ginger beer from Tesco yesterday, but it's way to sweet. I had a nice mango + ginger drink the other day and was hoping to find another of those. I had one alcohol free Brewdog Punk IPA too, that's ok.

Wireless charging for cars, now we are truly in the future. This will become mainstream about the time normal people stop having private cars, but it's great for taxis.

And in a similar note this sounds great news, forcing Apple to conform to charging standards may speed up innovation. Friends said HOW??? This is nonsense! But I think stopping Apple using custom cables for iphone etc will accelerate wireless charging. Either they'll improve their laptops and phones to make USB-C work for them or they will think outside the box. The box of discarded cables that everyone surely has. which one was it again I know it's here somewhere...

I blame the (delicious) out of date pie. It's one of the super bargains I got from Waitrose last week and chucked in the freezer.

I went looking for food bargains again yesterday, after swimming (all went very well, cheers). I thought I'd get another vegan cornish pasty from Tesco, but the vegan ones are now £1.75 where the meat ones are only 95p. Not fair. So I am having leftover slightly out of date bagel for lunch today...

Currently planning to go to the Inn Doors tonight (though still not drinking of course), then an early night, then a good parkrun tomorrow. We will have pacers running tomorrow so if I want to get a twenty-one minute pb there will be someone running at exactly this pace that I can try and stick with.

dryanuary: Not drinking for all of January.

runuary: Running at least 5k every day for the month of January.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed and father to 2, I am a full stack web developr, + I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.