Blog2020 ≫ Vegan-dry-runuary day eight

Was awake just before the alarm went off at six, and might have gone back to sleep, but decided to get up and run. Did my mostly-regular route1 along the road to Waitrose and back along Princes Parade. It was DARK! I had my headtorch, but still was mostly like running with my eyes closed. Hopefully the batteries are just getting low, they are the original batteries, and I do have a rechargeable unit for that. If I go out tomorrow I will see. I only nearly ran off the sea wall and fell on the beach once.

I got my IKEA / Tradfri remote control yesterday, along with some new bulbs. I don't need the remote control day to day, though it is strangely nice. It looks like the original IPOD control. I only really needed it for setting up the smart bulbs I have in my Symfonisk smart speaker lamps. Once they're set up I can control with the app / over the internets / using the Google Home etc. The app is fine for now, so from my phone I can control the lights, dim them and that. It worked so smoothly I want to get more for the rest of the lounge. I've not even tried the Google Home integration yet.

I got a bundle with some GU10 downlighters, so I can have a remote controlled kitchen or playroom at last. However now I really want the GU10 downlighters in the louge. We have had a leak and it does need a repair to the ceiling so I might use that as the excuse.

Still pleased with the Symfonisk speaker lamps, especially combined with my Sonos soundbar.

Got rid of a couple of the kids old scooters at work today. Listed them on our intranet for free and they were snapped up. So we are about 0.1% less cluttered at home today. I will try this with a few more things, I really can't be bothered with ebaying them.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare and father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.