Blog2019 ≫ A day in Rye

We went to Rye for a day out, something different for the last real day of the Summer holidays. Lovely day, good weather, not a bad journey. We took the train there which the boys enjoyed, train journeys are a novelty for them still. We went round the small museum1 and had lunch in The Ship, after much debating of other venues. Lunch was nice, I had a salad, get me! It did seem to be very slow, even though the place was not busy. Clare had salad with chicken and the boys had burgers, everyone enjoyed.

Just time to play in the park after our slow lunch, then got the busy train back, and didn't even have the scheduled long wait at Ashford. They dropped me off at the Inn Doors and I had a lovely evening there too with lots of friends.

Phone is still dead, so I have ordered a new one, going for an Honor 10 Lite2. Nice and cheap and got really good reviews. Expect them to go out of business imminently, as happened with the Pebble and the Wiley Fox. I do have a working phone for today so can hopefully measure my runs etc. I brought my previous phone back to life and couldn't quite remember why I had replaced it. The boys remembered, I had jumped in the pool with it in Greece. I think the battery does not last an hour now, will give it a go today. Yesterday I took out Clare's old iphone. It's fine, neat, small, feels good, but as it's still linked to her account I can't install Strava or Slack or anything on it. My new handset should arrive Tuesday. I will do the maths and work out what my old one really cost me, I do love to try and make myself look good compared to the fifty quid a month deals everyone has.

Time for parkrun now. Not expecting a new record time but feeling fresh so who knows.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.