Blog2019 ≫ Gymnastics signed up for another year

The boys are signed up for gymnastics classes for another year. And not by me! Clare was out at 5am this morning queueing outside Folkestone Sports Centre. We only have to do this once a year now, instead of once a term, and this time Clare took her turn.

She was 12th in the queue just after 5am, and was 12th on both of the lists she had to sign on to. This means everyone in the list was putting someone on to each list, or some people were signing up more than one child, or there were names on the list before the queueing started.

I thought the boys would not be so keen to go this year, and thing two was not especially. Thing one still was, and when Clare asked "do you still want to go even if thing two does not?" thing two piped up that he did want to go after all. That's £105 for the next term then, lovely.

Working from home today and started obscenely early. I had some work to deploy, that I didn't manage to get live yesterday because of some issue with Cloudfront (which I also use on this site). It got too late and I didn't want to risk pushing on, especially as we wanted to go to the Inn Doors. So I left my work in limbo with a note saying "if you need to push this live you can it's safe, here is why" but thinking it would still be there for me this morning as nothing ever happens over night. Except last night! An issue was discovered about this time, and so some people worked late to fix it. And they put my work live for me. So nothing for me to do this morning, except start early and crack on as normal. Means I can get away even earlier today. And no last night's issue was nothing to do with me or my work.

Missing my trip to the Inn Doors tonight so we all went last night. Bought the boys an ice cream and we all sat on a table outside, lovely.

Also bonus, I got my bill for the service charge and we are all in credit, so nothing to pay this time. It's normally about £100 every six months for the upkeep of the grounds and things. I do a direct debit into another account of mine so I don't have to find the money for this bill when it does come in. I think I'll let that money ride until next time.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married + dad to two, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.