Blog2019 ≫ I am a parkrun tourist

I did the Fareham parkrun (think I should be calling it parkrun rather than "park run") but nearly didn't. It was super cold, so I nearly chickened out. Glad I did it though I did not do well. I have a whole list of excuses though; the course is too narrow for one. It's a real log jam at the start, it took a few minutes to get everyone going. Then of course frozen puddles, but mostly the problem is it is a narrow path so you are at the mercy of whoever got away ahead of you. Also, perhaps a factor, I'd had plenty enough to drink the night and day before. I think the course owes me at least two minutes though. I got 27:411 which is my worst time so far.

I got me some new shoes from Alexandra Sports2 as recommended by Andy. They did a biomechanical assessment, so I spent a lot more than I might have done but have hopefully got some proper good shoes that will sort out m slight pronation which has been leading to knee pain. Had not heard of On Running3 before, I hope I have bought a good thing and it's not a gimmick. I like them and was very pleased with the service anyway.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married and dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.