Blog2019 ≫ Have I got too many emojis on here now?

ACTUALLY they're not even emojis, they are unicode symbols. I set up the styling on this page so if I have a link to something like javascript or raspberry pi it will follow it with a little computer symbol. Brightens things up a little, and at no cost to me. They're not images when they leave my server, it really is one character just like a letter "a" or "b" but in this case it's the letter "💻". I have had various images in the page for a while, the ☠️ was the first one I used, but now I've gone a bit mad. If you view the source of this page you can see all that I'm automating.

Anyway I think I might have done a few too many now.

It's cold out there today, but we didn't have any snow around home. I cycled in, but as it was icy I went along the cycle path by the canal. Didn't fancy slipping on any ice on the roads and thought that would be safer, even if it's a bit slower.

It's nice and bright out there now, but not warm enough to melt all the ice. I don't think any more snow is due here but it looks like it may be a bit sleety on our drive tomorrow.

Pay day tomorrow, I'm ready for that. The plumber is now not coming, he asked if he could reschedule for Monday which is fine. I have a few things in my shopping basket ready to go, but only for the boys. £100 worth of Gravitrax addon sets! Hope they're arrive quickly, it will be like a second christmas for them...

Went on the treadmill this morning briefly, just to get my moneys worth.

js: Programming language of the internets, mostly how I make my living.

raspberry pi: Credit card sized super cheap computer, awesome.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town. Married and dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.