Blog2019 ≫ Properly soaked on the way in

No ice or snow this morning but persistent drizzle, so I got a bit wet cycling in to Hythe. Apart from that today is ok (though I have not done the cycle home yet).

Swimming last night was good.

Boys getting excited about the prospect of buying all the Gravitrax. I found a video of a very big set up1, that is for a toy fair where they launched it I think. Tens of thousands of pounds worth there, so it's got to be a bit of a disappointment when you get the box home and find you have no chance of building anything as big as that. We're going to buy six extension packs for it next week I think. Thing two was going to buy the whole lot but I think I'll buy them two and they'll buy two each.

January's pay packet is all spent, even including the profit share I think. Plumber is coming on Thursday to do various small jobs, then I must fix the car. I would like a new brighter bike light, and I have to pay for the treadmill (I took it of the money I had saved to fix the car). Not sure if the plan to get a new Dyson is still a goer, will see when everything else is done. And the new phone and unneccessary new torch2 can wait until next profit share...

This is the last Friday of Dry January - I may have mentioned it a lot but it's been alright really, despite Clare seemingly drinking every day, right in my face. I have not noticed the expected savings of me not drinking, nor the savings of having no council tax this month.

Clare out again tonight, I will watch more George Clarke Tiny Caravans and Black Lake and attempt to finish my book. I'm STILL reading Tombland, though I finished the actual story there is an extra historical essay at the end. Then I have a load more books stacked up, some I got for christmas and one I got for my birthday still unstarted.

dryanuary: Not drinking for the month of January.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + father to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.