Blog2019 ≫ Day two of Dryanuary is going JUST FINE

What are you on about IT'S FINE! Actually I am sure it will be fine. I have made my excuses in advance to the Inn Doors this week, I won't be there, though may go back on subsequent Fridays. Going to not drink for the month of January at least. As a friend says "Not doing dry Jan. Poor excuse to not drink. Should be able to not drink anytime. Also just drink in moderation" but I think it'll be good to have a reboot. Come February we will both be drinking sensibly at weekends only, though it inevitably slips later in the year and come December we'll be drinking five days a week again. Not that Clare is planning to do Dry January at all, but she drinks less than me anyway.

Still have not got the treadmill, there is one locally but it looks a bit pricy really - up for £250 and it's only £360 brand new, though it looks a suitably powerful one. I will surely prevaricate until it is sold. I'm so indecisive. Or am I?

I'm planning to add some more graphics to this blog over the next few weeks, the time I save on going to the pub will be spent on adding interesting ("interesting") graphs of my activity to blog posts. Perhaps my weight. I started the year at 62kg (nine stone and eleven pounds in old money) - I'm not trying to lose weight but I know that does go up and down with the amount of exercise I do, and I have not done much over christmas.

My plan for the year is to get to the "fifty park runs" milestone, as then I get a free t-shirt. That's the closest to a resolution I have, if you don't count dry January.

Did lots on my lightwaverf api1 making it easier to use, though there is probably no interest in it from anyone else. Is useful for me. Only had one major issue over christmas with the home automation - the TV went off at exactly midnight, oops. I already have this power saving feature disabled at the weekends, and Clare did say she was not staying up, but she did not appreciate this nannying.

Nan still in hospital.

dryanuary: Not drinking for the month of January.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Wed + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.