Blog2018 ≫ Folkestone parkrun results for event

Congratulations on completing your 2nd parkrun and your 2nd at Folkestone parkrun today. You finished in 64th place and were the 58th male out of a field of 207 parkrunners and you came 10th in your age category VM45-49. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Congratulations on setting a new Personal Best at this event! Congratulations on your fastest time this year. You achieved an age-graded score of 58.98%.

I did get up and run in the end today, it was cold and windy. I beat my previous time though I wasn't thinking about going faster, just getting to the end. I had my headphones sorted this time so the podcast distracted me a bit and made it go very fast - I was sure there was another loop to do when the finish line approached, I remembered it being a bit longer. Unfortunately I hadn't charged my Fitbit, so it cut out part way round. I'm glad there is an official time and it wasn't down to me, as when I plugged back in again fitbit thought I had done only 3km, in 54 minutes...

It's cold and miserable out there now, shame we have to go out in it really, but we're off to Jim's for another birthday dinner. This one organised by friends of his that we don't know, but at his house.

I made it to the Inn Doors just briefly yesterday. Left work a bit early, aiming for a bus that was unfortunately delayed. Then it went a different route to normal, and wasn't going as far as Sandgate anyway. I was worried it was totally the wrong bus at first when it starte heading in the wrong direction, but it was more or less fine. The earlier bus takes a detour through Saltwood, and then I had to walk from right near home, so didn't get to the pub until six, and had to leave again at seven. When I got in I tagged Clare and she had a proper night out in Folkestone. I made my tea, put thing two to bed, watched a quiz with thing one, and then read my book until falling asleep and spilling my glass of wine, oops.

Today we put the tree and decorations up, I took six bags of toys, books and clothes to a charity shop, and I did a supermarket shop too. Not just to get out of the decorating, it needed doing. Now we're making soup, before heading out... Hoping to be back nice and early.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.