Blog2018 ≫ Sofia work trip

Fine drive up to the airport, nice to be driven, chatted about work but in a good way. No hold ups so at Luton a bit early. Remembered to take everything out of my pockets this time so breezed through security and then to Friska for a wrap and a coffee. Flying with Wizzair which is super budget so shunted through the next but into a very crowded seat. Strangely the person who was sat next to me disappeared before take off. I thought he was in the loo but he did not reappear. Is this suspicious?

Got my book and headphones and water so thought I was settled for the flight but a) going into aeroplane mode turns off the Bluetooth, so am allowed to use my wireless headphones? B) I left my glasses on the overhead locker and now the one remaining person on my route is asleep. Decided to risk the headphones, not report the missing passenger, nor (shockingly) have a beer. Traveling with two colleagues, one hinted at going to the pub but the other said "it's funny I never have a drink before flying" which put a bit of a damper on it. I'm not sat with the colleagues, but still going to hold off on the beer. Partly because of have to pay for it myself.

Will get to Sofia about 7pm local time so will hopefully find good when we get there, despite not being with local colleagues tonight. Not sure if we'll go into town proper yet, I hope so.

The stewardesses have a sign language, pointing at the eyes and then shivering means "bring some ice". I am struggling on without the glasses trying to read, some Montalbano short stories. My eyesight comes and goes. I'll put the headphones back on until my row-mate wakes up.

Plenty of turbulence about 16:45 UK time as I think we went over a range of hills. We must be approaching Bulgaria, I think this happened last time too.

Everyone applauded on landing.

Got a taxi from the office in the arrivals lounge, this have us the reg of a branded taxi to meet outside, rather than one of the touting minicabs. Meant it cost us approx 8 Lev (4 quid) to the hotel instead of whatever we got charged last time (20 maybe?). Taxi driver drive it like he stole it, eager to get back for a more worthwhile fare maybe.

Hotel is big, I am on the 11th floor but room is not impressive. Got the tube 3 stops into the centre to look for food. Found Cactus which had an English menu outside with a vegan section. Quite a nice, place mine was only a plain salad though. Struggled to find another bar open so headed back to the hotel area to try Brick. They were about as welcoming as last time, we just called last orders, you can have one drink... Nice to sit and chat, even though only about work.

I barely slept at all, and am up again by 5am UK time. Too early to meet my work mates but don't want to risk falling asleep now and being late for the day.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + father to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.