Blog2018 ≫ London weekender day two

Up a bit too promptly on Saturday morning, as Thing 2 was wide awake and chattering at six-ish, so we were all drifting in and out of sleep until it was time to get up. The boys were probably looking forward to the Premier Inn breakfast as much as any part of our trip, they do love a holiday breakfast. They had sausages and bacon and beans and pancakes and syrup and muffins and no cereal and very little fruit. I ate my fill too, much juice and granola (with soya milk and fruit), hash browns, tomatoes and some bubble and squeak (that was a bit cold and unpleasant). It's a very good deal for London, when it is unlimited. We had this both days.

Actually before breakfast, Thing 1 and I had to head off in search of a comb for Clare. She had forgotten hers, could we get one from the lobby? No, we could not get one from the lobby, no-one was in reception, and the vending machine for essentials did not have one. There's a Tesco nearby, and we had to wait a couple of minutes for it to open, and it started to snow at this point. They did not have any at all, so back to reception to buy a SIX-POUNDS-FIFTY hairbrush from the machine. I've got to get me some cheap combs so I can keep one in every washbag and travel bag so we're not in this situation again. I DID NOT LET THIS SPOIL THE DAY, everything was fine.

After breakfast we went our separate ways, Clare and Thing 1 off to Euston to head to Watford and Harry Potter Studios and Thing 2 and I meandered slowly to the the tube to head into the central / West part of town. We tubed to Embankment to walk up to Leicester Square. I nearly persuaded him to go into a gallery, he was curious for a bit as it related to a story he knew, but then he remembered The Lego Store. So we headed there, a bit slowly and a bit cold, and spent a great hour there. Mostly building, with the lego that is out to play with, could have done with a bit more looking round and closely examining the available sets. He picked out a set for him and decided to buy one for his brother too. From there off to The London Eye.

💬 A bit of a tricky walk to the London Eye

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.