Blog2018 ≫ London weekender part 1

Awesome weekend in London, like I already said. Focus for the weekend was Thing 1's visit to Harry Potter Studios with Clare while Thing 2 and I had fun to an equivalent value in the city centre. We headed up promptly after school, and with distracting snacks on the fast train we're there in no time. A short hop from Kings Cross to Monument tube and we're cehcked into our hotel and out and about.

Not been to this Premier Inn before but it's fine and nice like all the others we have stayed at. Maybe a little smaller than the last full sized one we stayed at, with two single beds out for the kids the beds were all touching. Confusingly their beds were nearer to the door, so we had to creep past them to get between bathroom and bed when they were asleep but it was all fine. It had plenty of charging points and a TV with Challenge on it for them to watch while we got ready, so all good.

We ducked straight out to Zizzi at Tower Hill, a short walk from the hotel, and one we had eaten at before. We did consider other places but a chain like this meets all our requirements easily, and we know it's going to be good. Was not very busy, might be partly as a result of the recent press Zizzi has had with the poisoning of / by Russian spies. Or maybe this is just what this area of London is like after work on a Friday. Food was good, not sure the new chilli dough option made enough of a difference. Clare talked me into having a disappointing cocktail too, but I followed that with a glass of wine and all was good.

Back to the hotel, Thing 1 and Clare sat up in the bar playing Top Trumps or something while I read Thing 2 a story and waited for him to go to sleep.This is our regular hotel routine, I sat in the bathroom trying to read a magazine. Utter fail here, as I bent over and snapped my cheapo spare glasses that I had put in my pocket so couldn't really see. I thought I had been clever packing these cheap, smaller reading glasses that I'd got for 4 from Tiger, and put them in a lightweight soft case. A false economy as it turns out, I will have to get some more... Anyway once he was asleep and they came back, I headed OUT! Yes, OUT OUT.


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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.