Blog2018 ≫ Busy half term now over

That went quickly, as a week off tends to. After our little London jaunt Clare was back into work. I have no idea what we did on Wednesday, a quiet day at home I suppose. I was cooking for quite a bit of it, I made tagine with cous cous and Moroccan spiced vegetables for a valentines too. It sort of worked.

Thursday morning only the boys and I went down to Mum and Dad's, dropping Clare off at her Dad's so she could take his car in to work. Complicated. We had a reasonable run down, got their inconveniently early. Did not have a key, had to find Mum and Dad out shopping, take their key back to get in their house. And then I set the alarm off by not being able to see the keys properly...

Lovely day catching up and seeing my Nan, then we went for a walk round Portchester Castle. All good but it got a bit swampy towards the end. My new North Face boots held up well but number one son completely stacked it in the mud. I did think about walking down to The Cormorant that evening as it looked quite good, but felt a bit tired really for going out.

Friday we went to the Salt Cafe which was great, then in to Fareham to meet Andy and family at Three Joes pizza. It took AN HOUR to drive in for some reason, there must have been something going on though everyone says it could be just rush hour. Mental, I could have walked to Fareham in less time than that. And after the pizza, and bringing the boys back for Mum and Dad to put to bed, I did. Went to The Crown to meet Dave and had a very enjoyable evening catching up. The walk home might have been a bit slower than the walk in, maybe a bit more zig-zagged.

Good run back with well behaved boys, 2 hours 10 minutes and lovely sunshine. These Harry Potter audiobooks do a great job of livening up a journey for them, we're on The Goblet of Fire right now.

After we got back we went for a walk / scoot / cycle along the seafront.

Today we dropped Clare off at the station to go to THE BAFTAS! Bizarre. I am watching it on TV hoping to spot her in the audience, but no joy so far.

Back to work in the morning to see what I've missed over the past seven days, I think there is a big new project in the offing...

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.