Blog2017 ≫ Bath2Go looks like the ideal mini van bathroom solution

I often dream about a camper van but there's no way we'd all go away in one unless it had it's own bathroom facilities (one of the team is fussier about these things than the other three). But to have your own bathroom you need a giant sized mobile home, or for 1/3 of your regular van to be taken up by toilet that a) you don't use all that often and b) is a bit too close to your comfy driving space the. So this looks like the solution1, a toilet and shower that you can bolt on the back when you're going on overnight trips, rather than the little day trips.

DIE INNOVATIVE BADKABINE FR IHREN CAMPINGBUS Willkommen bei bath2go, dem Badmodul fr den Hecktrger Ihres Campervans. Das revolutionre Konzept erffnet Ihnen neue Horizonte: Mit bath2go bekommt Ihr Bus ein komfortables Bad und bleibt dabei tiefgaragentauglich. So machen Sie einerseits auf Reisemobilstellpltzen eine gute Figur und haben andererseits Zugang zu hhenbeschrnkten Parkpltzen - z.B. dem Innenstadtparkhaus Ihrer Lieblingsstadt.

Oh yeah, is German:

THE INNOVATIVE BATHROOM CABIN FOR YOUR CAMPING BUS Welcome to bath2go, the bath module for the rear carrier of your campervan. The revolutionary concept opens up new horizons for you: With bath2go, your bus gets a comfortable bath while remaining suitable for underground parking. On the one hand, you can cut a good figure on motorhome pitches and, on the other hand, have access to height-restricted parking spaces - eg the inner city car park of your favourite city.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.