Blog2017 ≫ On our night out we went to 2) Follies (on the harbour arm)

Pizza, at Follies on the Harbour Arm. Really does not look like anything is going to be open at the Harbour Arm in the evenings, you have to be confident to head down there, no-one is coming and going. You have to be pretty close up before you can smell the pizza and hear the music playing. Great place, feels like a secret when you are down there at night. I chose the correct vegan pizza this time, with barbecue jackfruit and vegan cheese, rather than the dry and dull Moroccan style pizza I had the other day. Tasty and quick service.

Hmm, confusing using a parenthesis after the 2 and then round some words too like that, it looks wrong.

Both a bit tired, so not up for a raging night out. Thought about a bloody mary in Cockles, also on the Harbour Arm, but not quite, nor a drink in one of the other Harbour Arm bars, though maybe we should have. Clare did not even want to walk home, we'd agreed in advance walk one way and taxi back. Time for just one more drink...

💬 On our night out we went to 3) Kipps Ale House

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + dad to two, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.