Blog2017 ≫ Miserable day out there today

Bit of a grim day out there today, kind of cold and raining sideways, was not a fun walk to school and back really.

Miserable for the smallest boy today too he really didn't want to go to nursery. I think generally he'd rather stay home and watch TV, but wouldn't we all... I'm not sure he's getting much out of nursery, but Clare is right he only has six months more to learn how to do group activities, sit nicely, etc before SCHOOL!

Had a nice Sunday, did housework and the DIY assemblage of the new IKEA purchases, which also involved dismantling of the old bed frame (stashed it in the loft for now) and taking the old mattress and the packaging and so on to the tip. Then a trip down town, a little light shopping, a hair cut and a long walk back in the wind. Yet again when I passed at about 4pm the Inn Doors was not open. I guess they know when it's worth their while to open. Or, they saw me coming and quickly locked up.

Fabulous fajitas and robot wars last night. Actually a more disappointing episode of robot wars, just not up to the first two episodes. Good to see an impressive newcomer in Concussion, shame to see Thor go out again.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.