Blog2016 ≫ Clare has abandoned us!

Clare has headed off to a wedding for the weekend. She was not really invited, but is going as her dad's guest, so there was no question of the rest of us going. So now what do we do??? Clare took Number one son to school before she left, and I took number two son to nursery, so all gone to plan so far. I have to remember to pick them both up, in order, thing two from nursery a bit early, then thing one from school. In the meantime I'm trying to do a bit of decorating.

Yes, sitting writing smart comments on the website is not actually getting much decorating done, but I've sanded down the hallway and applied the first coat and am waiting for that to dry. Really really hoping that the white paint I found in the shed is the same white that we used before, or it's going to look really patchy. I hate painting stuff white it always looks really bad until it's perfectly dry, and I panic until then. This big tin of white says "for colour mixing" on what I can still see of the label (it's all covered in paint drips). But I must have bought it and used it before, right? No-one else has been leaving tins of paint in my shed have they?

Fingers crossed that goes smoothly anyway.

Got a big list of other jobs to do, really it's just "get through the day" sort of jobs though, things I ought to be able to do without even making them into a list, put the oven on at the right time and so on. I have to dress Number one son for cave man day tomorrow, I'm sure I can assemble all the bits correctly. His outfit looks a tiny bit like a furry dress, but that's what they wore, right? I will report back with a photo. Think I've figured out how to share photos here now. Can you see this one?

Lovely day here again.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.