Blog2016 ≫ TEN years ago I was at David Devant

LA2, not one of their best gigs. I have seen this band so many times, and they were great, but I don't think this was a good one of theirs. I think the gig was organised by Steve who was a fan, and had a band of his own, and wanted to do a co-headline type show.

UPDATE no this was not that show, this was a later show for them at Islington Academy. I only remember it was not a great show, and I mixed them up...

Yeah got it now, it's only ten years ago, not twenty, I misread my own complicated gigography.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare and father to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do mostly javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.