Blog2015 ≫ Realised my old radiopi idea already exists

Of course it does, everything already exists...

To sum up the good bits of this post briefly:

Did that not sum it up as clearly as I intended?

This is great though, I found MPD1 while trying to figure out how to set up xbmc / kodi headlessly, no screen or keyboard, so I could use it just as a jukebox for music. Not many people are doing this, it is better suited to for video, thought it does do audio ok. I've installed MPD on the kitchen raspberry pi, and got it linked up to the nas and so that has all the info it needs about all our music. Then I installed MPC client on that box too and plugged it into the kitchen radio, so now all our music is playing in the kitchen. Then here's the clever bit I can install a client for it on any device, so from my phone or my computer I can control what is playing on the kitchen radio. Also that raspberry pi will actually play the music across the network, so if I plug another pi into the TV in the lounge it can just act as a client and everything would be playing in sync. I could walk from one room to the next and have the same song playing, my own in house radio.

The kitchen radio is a Roberts DAB this one. It's discontinued now but still good. You'd struggle to get one that didn't have all this raspberry pi NAS connecting streaming stuff built in now but it's satisfying that I'm making it myself. This could be working on a much more primitive device than a DAB radio, I'm just using the AUX in, but that's what I have.

Next step is to plug the piface control and display2 infrared receiver in to that raspberry pi so I can use the regular kitchen radio remote on it, and then to get more speakers around the place that can connect to the same service, for full multiroom audio. Then after that get a DAC for better sound quality.

How does this tie into radiopi my original "raspberry pi in the car" project? I can have a pi in the car running as a separate server and client, with all its content stored on an SD card, and have it syncing content from the house when I want it.

raspberry pi: Credit card sized super cheap computer, awesome.

xbmc: X-box Media Centre, some software that would run on an old xbox or other computer hardware to play movies + music etc. I used to talk about this a lot...

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Married + dad to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, and I do mostly javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.