Blog2015 ≫ Third day at Edinburgh Fringe

I went to a BBC radio recording of Break The News early morning this day, the first time we had anything like bad weather. BBC recordings proved a godo way to see a few different comedians in an unusual setting. And it's free! This show was a BBC Scotland only radio topical news quiz panel show, I'd not heard it before. Presented by Des Clarke the guests have to identify (and chat about) news stories that have been mashed together cut and paste style. You can listen to this one if you're quick. I was in the third row, can you hear me guffawing?

Episode 11 of 10 Listen in pop-out player Joining Des this week are comedians Andrew Maxwell, Keir MacAllister & Alun Cochrane and political journalist Fiona Ross. Recorded live at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

I'd mentioned to Clare I wasn't keen to see Andrew Maxwell when we were looking at listings earlier, not sure why. I didn't know he'd be in this show, but he was really godo, funny and interesting.

Think we did not have anything else booked this day so we took a few chances. Went in Bannerman's to wait for Clare (who was shopping) and found two shows I was interested in were in the same area... serendipity I reckon. One was Cambridge Footlights free show. Well sort of... they're clever these Cambridge types, there's not much connection with Cambridge at the free show, you're not getting to see any of their paying show for merely a bucket contribution, but you do get to see a show of their friends, hmm. The compere might have been from Cambridge, he was posh and called Ed something I think. The next guy was the director of the real footlights show, maybe called Ken Chan, he was ok, a whole show about killing two birds with one stone. The best part were the St Andrews Revue, this was more what I was expecting. Great performances, not so sure about the writing though. I will be back with details if I can find them, would like to know the names of the people we saw. Here's the spiel for their main show "Fashion":

Fashion is fleeting, but sketches are eternal. Premiering their haute-couture sketch show this Edinburgh Fringe, The St Andrews Revue presents Fashion, a showcase of the up-and-coming comedy trends of 2015. Orange isn't the new black but sketch comedy might be.

The other show nearby turned out to be LETLUCE who I have gone on about at length. Man alive it was good.

That was at 4pm, so what did we do for the rest of the day? What did we eat this day for a start? Next I think we must have headed right down the Royal Mile to Kilderkin to Alex Love's How to Win a Pub Quiz and it was great. Super popular, if you are planning to go to this one get there early and queue, they were turning people away when we went. It's half comedy seminar type thing, with a few facts thrown in then the second half is a real pub quiz. I thought we'd ace this but we did not, but if you check him out on twitter1 all the answers are there, gah. He lived in Portsmouth and he's a massive Darkness fan, coincidences. Well he says he's a massive fan but he's only seen them fifteen times.

After this maybe we went to Thai Orchid to eat, but what did we do after that?

Much bumbling around, we tried to go to the late show at The Caves but it was sold out :-(

Back later with more write-up of this day.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.