Blog2015 ≫ A good active day for Number one son

Number one son got his badge 6 at gymnastics on Sunday, and he had an extra swimming lesson too. We have been after one-on-one lessons for ages for him as he wasn't getting much out of the group lessons, but typically now these lessons became available, he's picked up in the others. So we're going to keep both going in parallel. Extra money, but if we can get him swimming well it'll be worth it. He had a really good lesson, the instructor took him in the big pool and really taught him stuff. This doesn't happen when there are seven of them bashing into each other in the group lessons in the little pool. So, sure he's going to make great progress soon. He's got to be due a swimming badge soon, he can definitely do five metres alread, if not more.

A less good day for Number two son, as well as being a bit bored being dragged around to number one son's activities, he fell on his face at the swimming pool, there was actual blood! He bashed his lip and his nose bled a little, seems ok though.

Clare was out all day in London bridesmaid dress shopping.

Oh I made soup with the soup maker too for the first time. Jim has given it to me (after some prompting), I was sure he would not use it. I got some end of the day veg from the supermarket at a bargain price and made spicy sweet potato soup, with onion and leek. It's great! Definitely going to do more of these. I didn't follow a recipe, but did look up some guidelines. I got the "800g of veg to make 1.6kg of soup" from this website1, and just blagged the rest. Great to chuck the ingredients in and just leave it. There was hot soup ready when we came back from swimming.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare and dad to 2, I am a full stack web developr, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.