Blog2015 ≫ We were planning to go to Ramsgate...

Thought we'd line up some fun things this weekend, including going bowling as Number one son was up to the top of his reward jar and that's his favourite treat. number two son loves it too so everyone's a winner. Were planning to do that this afternoon (Sunday) and spend the day in Ramsgate on Saturday, getting the train there. There was a rail replacement bus service though so that was going to take too long so thought we'd do Whitstable by car instead. Completely forgot that we're going to Reginald D Hunter tonight though, and then the weather didn't look too good yesterday for an outdoor day out, so we moved bowling to Saturday and spent the day in Ashford instead.

I'm not a fan of Ashford generally, but it worked out really nicely. We had lunch in Pizza Express, Clare shopped a bit, then we went in a cafe, then we went bowling. The boys had their tea there, and we headed home. Straight to bed for them, and to the Chinese for me.

Weather was actually fine on Saturday, it's wet here today though. So morning boot fair plans went out the window. Will be doing some chores, then Number one son has gymnastics, then homework to do. Will still be a nice day.

We're in the final countdown, it's big pay day on Thursday. I think so / hope so anyway. It's definitely pay day, and if my calculations are correct it's the quarterly profit share and it's the last one of the year where they adjust it, so with any luck it should be double what we normally get as Holiday Extras are doing so well. So starting to plan what to spend it on:

Not sure I will have any spare to get the electrician in this month, but will try. Also going to get some new usb keys as they're handy for the car. Seems to be the best way to quickly put on kids music, or stories, or a particular genre of music. Better quality than playing the bluetooth from the phone, plus then I don't have to clutter up my phone with children's songs, also quicker than plugging an ipod in and finding the right folder right now...

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.