Blog2015 ≫ Number one son has a school disco today

What on earth will a school disco at a primary school be like? I can't remember anything like this really. The cliche from other people seems to be all the boys lined up on one side of the room and girls on the other, but I'm not so sure. It's not a big room for a start, but also number one son did sort of get into the dancing at a party last weekend.

Not sure yet if Clare is going to have to stay and supervise, she might have been talked into it by our friend we were out with at the weekend...

There's bird poo on our new car already :-(

UPDATE: number one son has gone to the school disco in his Superman outfit. Now what on earth is he going to wear for BIBLE THEMED TAG DAY at school on Wednesday? YEAH you heard that right. Tag day (where your own clothes) except don't wear your own clothes dress up as a thing out of the bible... what now?

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.