Blog2015 ≫ A full weekend then

As well as The Ship on Friday night we had both had a night out on Sunday. Unheard of! First I had two parties to take Number one son to, one at the cinema in Ashford in the morning, and then another at Hythe sports pavilion after lunch. He loved both of them, and we stayed at the second one with him and number two son, they had a great entertainer / magician called Mr Wand1.

Then we went to @acrusteaten's supper club2 at Follies in Folkestone. This was amazing! It was an all vegan menu, everything was great, five courses and we had some lovely wine from Follies too. The idea of the supper club is that someone takes over the venue, not a pro chef, just an enthusiast organising a dinner party. We didn't know anyone at the event before we went, but being sat with them on the same table we soon got to know them. I had such a good time, and would love to go to another, though the food is not normally suitable for me. We'll see.

Then Monday feeling a bit hungover and working from home I got the call from the insurance company, the car is a write off :-(

They have offered 850 and won't entertain returning any money I just spent getting it through the mot recently. I've paid out more than 850 on it this year, but that's the book price so that's that. We're going to cash in the premium bonds and get something as new as we can, aiming for something less than five years old with all the modern features. Mainly bluetooth so I can connect my phone up with it like we can with the hire car we still have.

So, thoroughly fed up really. If I have to spend that sort of money I'd like it to be on something I actually want but there's no way we can do it - I don't want a car, but a) I can't afford a van or anything interesting and b) it wouldn't do for getting Clare to work, which is the main reason we need it. So I just have to splash out and suck it up. Clare has some savings to chip in and we do have gthe 850 from the insurance but it's still a load of money to lay out that I then can't spend on TVs and things. This is why I'm after a bit of tech in the car, so I can kid myself that I've bought something fun with my money.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.