Blog2015 ≫ Anti fracking petition

The government is trying to change the law, so big energy firms can drill for gas under our homes without asking us. [1]

But together we can stop these plans in their tracks. To change the law, they need MPs to vote for it in parliament. And the vote's in just a few weeks. [2] Let's make it clear that backing dirty energy companies over constituents would be a toxic move.

A huge people-powered petition against the plans - which we can hand-in to our MPs - will make sure all MPs know the way they should vote. Will you stand up for your home - and everyone elses? Click here to sign the petition:


The plans - simple changes to existing trespass law - could mean your home surrounded by noisy machines, and your local park turned into a gas field. All without your permission. The process - known as fracking - could also poison our water and produce toxic waste. And it's known to cause earthquakes. [3]

All over the country, people and local councils have been refusing planning permission to dirty energy companies for fracking. [4] But this change in the law takes away our power to say no to it happening under our homes.

When we work together, were stronger. And were not alone. Greenpeace supporters, Friends of the Earth members and thousands of grassroots campaigners are all standing hand-in-hand to stop these plans, for each other's homes. [5] Its a truly people-powered effort. Will you join us?


Thanks for being involved,

Amy, Nat, Maddy and the 38 Degrees team

NOTES: [1] The Guardian: Government confirms plan to let fracking companies drill under homes [2] Parliament website: Infrastructure Bill 2014-20152 [3] BBC News: Fracking tests near Blackpool 'likely cause' of tremors [4] Campaigns By You: WCBC, reject applications to explore and extract shale gas and coal bed methane3 The Guardian: Fracking firm lodging appeal after council rejects its planning application BBC News: Tamboran: Licence for fracking plans terminated [5] Greenpeace UK: Fracking4 Friends of the Earth: Fracking5

The target was 20,000 when I signed this petition1 and I was number 7 to sign it afaik, do I get a badge or something? Or do I just have the bonus of no-one actually causing an earthquake under my house looking for shale gas?

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.