Blog2014 ≫ Very handy thread on the alternatives to LightWaveRF

Here on this forum... I've been very loyal to lightwaverf for a long time. I've wavered a bit when products have failed (a couple of lightwaverf sockets at home are only half working) but they are still in nearly every room in our house. There's a loyal community and they have come up with a list of alternatives to lightwaverf. Some interesting stuff there to take a look at, some of it I'm well aware of, others less so, including Z-Wave, LIVOLO, rfxcom, domoticz, Danfoss, Tado, Heatmiser, Fibaro, RaZberry and more.

Razberry / Z-Wave1 seems the most interesting of these to me, the others are too "plug and play" "here is an ipad app nothing more for you to do" for my tastes.

You can get z-wave door handles, there's something I'm missing!

💬 Also MiHome now looks a viable alternative

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare and father to 2, I'm a full-stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.