Blog2014 ≫ London midweek weekender part one

In which someone gets their fingers stuck in the lift...

So we went on a three day trip to London! It has felt like a weekend all of the way through, even though it was from a Wednesday to a Friday. A midweek weekender. The four of us got the train up, oh yes, a family trip, in to the big city.

Train could have been cheaper, we timed it slightly badly. I knew it would be cheaper if we go a train that arrived in London after 10am, but forgot that I can't use the Network card before 10, so getting a train at about 9.30 meant we had to buy singles to Ashford, which more or less negated the network card discount. Nevermind, will work it out better next time! Train journey with Number one son and number two son was fine, Number one son played dinosaur top trumps and number two son sat pretty nicely for most of the trip. I always start these big posts with really boring details about the journey getting there, which was actually uneventful. The train was very quiet.

We pulled in to London Waterloo East station and walked across to the South bank area, not quite figuring out the lift so had a slightly stressful bounce of the buggy down the stairs, but once we're over York Road everything starts to feel good. Until...


That's how it was for me for a minute or so anyway; we got the lift up by Festival Hall to the higher level of the South Bank, and our big boy was leaning on the lift doors as they opened and his hand got pulled into the gap by the door. I heard his fingers squish and crunch and panicked, and pulled his hands out. There was blood, it did break the skin, but the squishing and crunching was most likely his skin squeaking along the surface of the door. Little harm actually done, though I really thought it was broken for a while.

Festival of Love1 is on all over the South Bank, that was good, we started with these great slides, that made things better, Number one son and Clare and number two son all had a go:

From [August 2014](

That's a really nice place to be, there's always something going on there. Oh yeah got Lots of photos so you can take a look at those instead of reading the words if you like. I'll be back later with more words.

Next: Midweek weekender part two

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.