Blog2014 ≫ The Last Working Day Of The Month, Issue 113 (time to start planning Edinburgh 2015)

Got an update from MJ Hibbett that he sends out every pay day (whoop, it's pay day!) and there are a couple of particularly good things in it. One Totally Acoustic is back, I've been to this and it's ace, and if you're in London on that day (it's our anniversary, we are most likely not) you should go along. Second, and more exciting is that he's taking a show to Edinburgh next year. And we're going to Edinburgh next year! Now as lovely and talented as Mark is, I probably would not travel to another country purely on the strength of one of his shows, but Clare and I are planning to go to Edinburgh next year anyway. It's great to know there will be a familiar face there waiting for us.

This year's Edinburgh Fringe 1 has not quite started yet, but it takes a lot of planning to get to. Next year is our tenth wedding anniversary so we can justify a little celebration like this. Last time we went was my 40th, next one after this will probably be my 50th! We are only making fairly woolly plans for it so far, we will pick the dates soon and then start booking the hotel around Christmas. But we're definitely going, woo!

Here's Hibbett's email anyway:

GIGS TO COME Thursday 31 July - The Oval Tavern, Croydon Back at Freedom Of Expression with Outer_audiO Joe and Matt Finucane.

Saturday 9 August - Ray's Mum's Back Garden Hibbettfest! With Chris T-T and Alexander Hale

Tuesday 12 August - The King & Queen The return of Totally Acoustic, featuring Alexander Hale, Matt Abbott, and Robberie

Check 2 for more information.

We're booked in to start recording the next Validators album at the end of November. The plan this time is to do a nice short, more stripped back (i.e. less explosions and orchestras) album of HITS, but then we say that every time so who knows? Whatever happens, we'll hopefully have a single out in the new year!

NEW SHOW I've also just started writing a new show for me and Steve to take to Edinburgh next year - it's called "Hey Hey 16K" at the moment, but that could well change between now and next August!

AND FINALLY Thanks very much to everyone who came to see us at Indietracks, we had (as you could probably tell by looking at our smiling faces) a wonderful time. It was good to be back!

  1. Removed old link here.
  2. Removed old link here.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.