Blog2014 ≫ Beautiful day, the beach is packed with people

Working from home today (can I shorten this to WFH like we do at work?) and it's so nice and sunny that I took a stroll at lunch. Could see a lot of tents and parasols on the beach, looked like a party going on so I went down to take a look. It's just a school party though rather than a festival.

I picked up a leaflet for the the new flats being built below us on the sea front - Olivia Court - next to the Murco / Raj Bari on what was the old water works and police station or something. We had heard from the builder who is building the four new houses at the end of Alexandra Corniche that these flats were going to be 400k, but it looks like they're ranging from 255k for the 893 square foot ground floor, I suppose with no sea view, to 595k for 1270 square foot penthouse on the sea front side. It's getting expensive round here!

It's called the penthouse but they really just mean top floor + fancy fittings I suppose, as there are two blocks on this development development and six penthouse flats in total. To me penthouse means the whole of the top floor. It was very odd on George Clarke's amazing caravans programme last week when was describing the narrow boat conversion the two lads were doing as a "penthouse". It's a boat and it's one floor, what makes it a penthouse? You might as well have called it a bedsit.

Work is going well today, I think I have cracked the a-z vertical slider I was working on and hopefully talked people out of another couple of tasks that I'd been give that I don't think add value to the project we're doing. Feels productive anyway.

UPDATE: Here's a sample flat for sale 1 in the new Olivia Court block. They're not actually built yet, that's just an artists impression. This is is probably where our local builder got the idea they were all going to be this price, but as I say they do vary.

  1. Removed old link here.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.