Have you ever crossed the Channel to or from Folkestone?

FG ≫ 2014 ≫ Have you ever crossed the Channel to or from Folkestone?

Please send us your story to help us tell the story of our town.

For our project Between the Storms which explores the heritage of Folkestone as a cross-channel port we shall be publishing your memories and stories in a book to be launched during the Folkestone Book Festival in November 2014.

Requirements: All stories must be sent to us as word documents. Maximum length 3000 words. Deadline The end of July 2014.

We are also looking for photos of the port, ferries and passengers to use on our website. Please send scanned images not originals to: pavementpounders@gmail.com

For more about the project: betweenthestorms.co.uk1

Phone David or Maryanne 01303 227150 Mob 0750-5813297

Word documents, how quaint! I still get people sending me excel docs, which I can't even open.

I have crossed the channel, I don't think I have enough of a story about it though. We are crossing it next week, though via a tunnel, not sure that counts.

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This is my site The FG that I set up in a fury of excitement when we first moved here sometime in 2004. I'd been a frequent visitor for a while previous to that but I am technically one of those Down From Londons you get nowadays. This site was updated more frequently with a calendar of events + voting for favourite places + things, and I know it was a handy resource for others who were moving to the area. Now I've moved out of Folkestone again (though only to Hythe) it doesn't get as much love as it used to. Ironic really as Folkestone itself is now becoming the exciting place we always thought it was about to become. My name is not Gerald by the way, this comes from a pretend paper in an episode of Brasseye or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, + how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are GRATE aren't they? Do get in touch if you have something to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on the twitter.