I had my MRI this morning for my sacroiliac joint dysfunction. At least that is what I'm diagnosing it as off the internet, there is something up with my sacroiliac joint anyway, where the spine meets the pelvis. I finally got my appointment, after missing one because I didn't get the letter about it. 8am at the William Harvey, so an early start, but it all went smoothly. They offered me headphones with a choice of radio stations when I went into the MRI chamber, but actually there was no music forthcoming. The machine itself makes a monstrous racket, but wasn't as claustrophobica s it might have been. If you were a big fat lad (I am definitely not) then it might be more of a problem.
There is a voucher this weekend for keene.co.uk1 use ESAVE10 to save 10 pounds when you spend 100 (and you easily can). Did they do this last year? I think I posted the same thing when I was after buying some of their bluetooth in wall amplifier2-(white)/klab20db.html) with speakers. I never did. I wonder if I'll post this again next year?
Off to Chimichangas in Canterbury tonight after work, and driving too. Going to The Foundry after too, that will be tough. I'd love to go there for a big session, but it's just a bit tricky getting home, would be two busses. I often get a lift home from work off Ben, and he was talking about driving tonight too, so I've done the decent thing and stepped up to offer him a lift. I will try and make up for it over the rest of the weekend...
⬅️ New coffee shop opening in Folkestone :: Raspberry pi timewasting ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.