Blog2013 ≫ Big weekend out

Our big weekend out was great! I had Friday off work, Number one son had a teacher training day, so we could head off to Mum and Dad's house early Friday morning. We had a great run down, roadworks aside. number two son is just big enough now that we don't need to stop on the way down so we can do it in two hours. We took quite a long detour via Tesco to pick up some goodies but still got there before lunch.

We had lunch in The Seagull as my sister Kerry and cousins Tracey, Kelly, and cousin-in-law Donna were too. And the food was good, their burritos are a good idea, and recommended. Service was poor, that's more what I was expecting! Someone messed up the order in the kitchen and the barman / waiter argued the toss with us that we must have got it wrong somehow. Anyway I'd order that bean burrito again.

Friday night OUT with good friends who I never get to see! So good to catch up, it is like we have never been away. OK, mostly I have been away. We went to the Red Lion and probably should have stopped there, but some were leaving and there was still drinking time left so the hard core of the group went on to The Crown for more. Then a walk home, then (for some reason) I couldn't get in the front door at Mum and Dad's, so I texted Clare that I was going to sleep in the card. She was really, really pleased to come out to the car and get me.

Saturday Clare had just about forgiven me, so we went to Gunwharf. Lunch in Giraffe at my insistence, I thought I remembered it being great, but I'm over it now. Was nice enough. Bit too much shopping, mostly in white Stuff but then I did buy myself some trousers in there. Weather was shocking (theme of the weekend) so we got taxi into Southsea for even more shopping. I feel sure we should have been in a pub by this point... We had a hotel so checked in there The Florence House Hotel1. Very nice, recommended, they have four boutique hotels in the same spot around Florence Road Southsea. It had been recommended by Dom, who stayed in one of them recently. I would stay in one again.

Must stop, more later...

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare and father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.