Blog2013 ≫ Stayed up late doing work work!

I had a hack day today, I got the day to work on something at work that I wanted to do. It is work related, but not part of our normal schedule of work. I had an idea to write something for testing our developers, and new recruits, similar to the javascript under pressure that was on corporate b3ta site usvsth3m the other day. And I did it, quite pleased with it. It wasn't finished by the end of the day so I just did a bit more tonight. It's internal only at the moment but when I can share it I will.

Did not get the arduino time I was expecting this evening. I can stay up later, it's my lie in tomorrow, but I should go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be fairly hard work when I do get up, got two kids parties to go to. Probably taking number one son and number two son to the first one on my own, as Clare has a friend coming round, and it is at Kidz Planet...

Sunday morning could be even worse - the clocks go back, so in theory everyone gets an hour's lie in. number two son does not know this though so when he gets up at his normal time it will actually be an hour even earlier by the clock. It will possibly be the day before, thats how early it will be.

Another Friday night of not drinking. I was only really stopping so as to get some money to buy a few more gadgets and components, but I will probably have saved enough to buy that land rover in another few weeks...

arduino: Microcontroller, hardware prototyping platform, a tiny specialised computer.

js: Programming language of the web, mostly how I make my living.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web developr, + I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.