Blog2013 ≫ Skid Row and Ugly Kid Joe on tour together

They're playing Brighton1. It's on a Monday night, and it's too far, and it takes a lot to drag me out of the house at all these days. But, if this was twenty years ago, I'd be THERE!

Checked the coolant levels on the car today, as the fan stays on when we turn the engine off. They were super low, below the minimum, though the temperature gauge in the car has been fine. Topped it up with water, got to get me some antifreeze when I go out. Feeling quite manly for having investigated that on my own, hell yeah. Now I will spend the rest of the day daydreaming about building my own car monitoring system. I do actually have most of the bits already, and when my new air quality meter arrives this week I'll be even more nearly there... I should dive back into my radio pi2 project again.

Waiting for number two son to wake up, then I'm going to get a hair cut and then collect Number one son from the birthday party.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.