Blog2013 ≫ Sky: VERY HELPFUL with terminating my account!

They helpfully backdated my notice period to when I first asked the question about my notice period last week. So I have given notice on my sky account, the new telephone and internet is going through on plus net and the new TV box (Humax) is working out nicely already.

My previous Sky bill was about 50 per month, my new bill is 5 per month for this year. I have paid some up front costs, 130 for a year's line rental in advance and some setup and postage costs, 270 for a swanky new PVR and 13 for a wifi dongle for it (optional but it gets rid of a trailing wire that Clare was not happy with). So within the year it will be paying for itself. Within nine months in fact. I'm slightly down on the deal in theory in that we have less channels now, but I'm up in the fact that the TV is now a fully fledged media centre (I already used it to watch Dawn Of The Dead the other day). Actually I bought the new hardware out of my "tv fund" which was saved birthday money and the savings come out of day to day bill paying money so it'll really be paying its way within three months.

Full response from Sky below:

To close your account you must supply Sky with 31 days notice as per terms & conditions, this will be back dated from your original date 24/01/2013, so the TV will end 25/02/2013. The equipment does belong to you and will supply you with the Sky free to air channels once the subscription channels end, may I ask you to advise the household to watch all recordings prior to the end date as you will not have access to Sky+ facility after the end date. As you are moving to another telephony supplier for calls & broadband and you have provided them with the MAC they will send Sky a 3rd party cease request, this will give you an easy switch from one provider to the next and allow you to request the same telephone number, in other words when your new provider starts Sky Talk & Broadband will end.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.