Took number two son to Mum and Dad's for the first time, his longest car journey, he was good with it though, very good. We stopped at the new Cobham services on the way there to feed him and get a hot chocolate for Number one son. Then finishing the journey in the dark was not so much fun, but not bad really.
Mum and Dad had lots of visitors while we were there, so lots of people got to see number two son. And now we've had him registered we got to unveil his fully unwieldy mouthful of a name...
Lots of lovely gifts for number two son and a lot for Number one son too, everyone has been very generous.
No time to go out while we were there. I remember I left Clare in on her own with Number one son at this age and went to the pub, but I am older, and more sensible and considerate now 1... We even changed the regime this weekend, Clare put earplugs in at night and I listened out for number two son all night. This meant even less sleep than normal for a few days for me, but it was OK.
We had just one major worry while we were away, we'd left something at ours for pa-in-law Jim to collect while we were away, and he could not get in to our house. He had his key, but it would not turn. Mother-in-law also tried and could not get in. Now we are starting to worry - who has locked our house up from the inside? Have we been burgled or something? When we got home all was fine, no idea why they had problems. I suspect they were trying the wrong key, or the wrong house...
Was great to get to another pay day too and (as a result of basically not leaving the house for most of the month nor having time to do anything) I still had some of last month's pay left. So a bit of cash to go to the new TV fund!
⬅️ Super weekend :: More sleep / less feeding last night. ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.