Blog2012 ≫ Good weekend, with some sleep!

Number two son's been a very good boy, last night went all according to plan. He woke up for a feed at the right time for me, and then again for Clare, and we had a bit of a lie in until nearly 7am!

Saturday didn't go exactly according to plan. We had hoped to go into Folkestone to see Jessica Hynes (nee Stevenson) turning on the christmas lights, but as the weather was so awful we did not. We knew we'd have to make the call at the last minute, if the rain stopped then we'd go there and have tea, but if it did not then we'd make other plans. But then we had no food in. So, we headed to Harvester in Ashford. Never go to Harvester on a Saturday evening... we had to wait 45 mins for a table, and then they were really busy and the service was quite slow.

Got a good deal in B&Q yesterday, I was planning to go and buy some more lightwaverf home automation remote controlled lights and sockets anyway, but when I got there there was a 20% off deal for signing up to their loyalty scheme. So, I'm in, got my 20% off what were the cheapest prices on the internets anyway. So today I took Clare back there with heavy hints as to the sort of things she might buy me for christmas... I have fitted one of the light switches today, all going well so far.

One thing that's not been going so well is my order from a company called Vesternet for some of this stuff. I will wait and see what they offer me before I report back with details though.

I'm looking into remote controlled blinds now, there might be a local DIY solution for remote controlled blinds, somewhere in Ashford that stocks Somfy tubular motors... I have given up on a cheap solution for remote controlled curtains, I think I would just have to bite the bullet and buy the real system, but a remote controlled roller blind could be done on the cheap...

UPDATE: It can be done on the cheap 1!

  1. Removed old link here.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.