The Creative Foundation is pleased to announce Open Galleries Night 2012.
Galleries within the Creative Quarter will stay open later than usual, to showcase and celebrate the artistic creativity flourishing in Folkestone. Some will even be serving free wine! Entry to all of the galleries is free. Just turn up and enjoy!!!
Just follow the flags outside each gallery that will help you navigate around the Creative Quarter.
Art Works at The Cube (Kent Adult Education) Tontine Street
An exhibition of drawings, paintings and mixed media (by students at The Cube).
Allsorts at ARRCC 65 Tontine Street
A group exhibition showcasing arts and crafts works, by adults living with a wide range of physical and/or sensory impairments.
The Stables 35 Tontine Street
Featuring work by Debbie Croft, Sally Higgs, Elizabeth James, Wayne Reeves, John Sims & Dee Taylor.
Charles Newington 66 The Old High Street
Grand Auctions Showroom
Inventing my own visual world has taken me on many different tracks, leading to much confusion over my identity for me and for those who see my work. Most artists, with maturity, find a recognisable signature style. I seem to have multiple artistic/creative personalities, which can appear on the whim of the Muse, Charles Newington
Shane Record 19-21 The Old High Street
I paint everyday subjects I come across when Im walking or cycling. I look for effects of light, its contrasts, distortions and reflections, and how the world moves around us. I try to play around with the way we see and recognise things; abstracting subjects rather than representing them photo-realistically. I hope the work communicates feelings and ideas that echo our experience, Shane Record
Generations by Dave Bennett Georges House Gallery, 8 The Old High Street
Generations will be a showcase of three generations of local artists, with various styles and approaches to image making, in particular painting.
Intimacy by Roy Trollope Space Gallery, 7 The Old High Street
Intimacy brings together an exquisite collection of drawings and paintings by Roy Trollope. The artist draws on a vivid creative imagination to visualise an emotional journey which moves from a detached objective SPACE to a more intimate subjective SPACE.
Ben Catt at Googies followed by The Comedy Hole 15 Rendezvous Street
Followed by comedians Mark Simmons, James Abbott and Ewan Golder.
Full menu available.
Ben's paintings are heavily influenced by the landscapes of Penwith, evoking feelings and emotions conjured up by the weather conditions and the changing seasons., Keith Holland.
Johnny Cotter Contemporary Pop Art 6 Rendezvous Street
Inspired by the Pop Art movement of the 1950s and 60s, Cotter makes and displays Pop Art works for the 21st century.
Over the last decade a transformation has taken place in the old town area of Folkestone. A ground-breaking regeneration project, funded largely by the Roger De Haan Charitable Trust, has seen the development of the Creative Quarter populated by artists, independent retailers and creative businesses plus a number of cafes and restaurants. The area has become a prime visitor attraction for Folkestone, Kent and the South East and an example of best practice for creatively-led regeneration.
⬅️ Last night I dreamt that I died! :: Did you splash my wife? ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.