Blog2012 ≫ Maya's well go out in style

An update below from Tony King... reminds me all the Mayan Prophecy types have been a bit quiet recently, how strange.

Hi all, Here's a little something I've cooked up for the up and coming end of the universe (or at least our little portion of it...according to those who want to believe that's what the Mayans predicted!) Hey, maybe they did! Maybe even the people who think they did are correct too. Maybe everyone's wrong and it's not the end...or only a little bit the end and some beginning bits too! Who cares, basically lets have a big party either way and sod everyone! And so....we a galaxy far far away...

The Party at the End of the Universe

Friday 14th December 2012

8pm-2am 10 OTD

The Lanterns Club 24a Rendezvous St, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1EY.

(01303 223364)


King Porter Stomp 1

Bring together their own unique union of ska-funk-dub and afrobeat and top it all off with cleverly crafted conscious rhymes. With massive horn lines, heavy bass and intricate guitar work, they have pulled on heart strings and won over the dancing feet of crowds across the UK and into Europe.

Two Man Ting 2

Two Man Ting were formed in 2004, when Jon Lewis and Jah-man Aggrey were working together in world/dance band Le Cod Afrique, performing at the likes of WOMAD, Montreux Jazz Festival and Glastonbury.

Since then, the duo have been performing regularly throughout the UK, and particularly on the Festival circuit. Festie shows have included Glastonbury, the Secret Garden Party, Musicport, Green Man, Whychwood, Big Green Gathering, Off the Tracks, Sunrise Celebration, Broadstairs Folk Week, Small World, name but a few.


TVC Sound System provide free parties, playing deep dubbed out house and techno music, to the people of East Kent and beyond. We are privileged to have OZ furnish our evening with agreeably funky tunes.

10 OTD

Tickets also available from 4

also from The Lanterns Club (address above) and Tribes, 50, The Old High St, Folkestone, Kent. CT20 1RN Tel 01303244838

Ticket Hotline Tony King: 07790264108

  1. Removed old link here.
  2. Removed old link here.
  3. Removed old link here.
  4. Removed old link here.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Married + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.