Day three we planned less queueing. Had a great lunch in Hendersons vege restaurant, very filling though I struggled on to cherry pie for a pudding. Then to see Richard Herring's Edinburgh podcast 1, todays main guest was Sarah Millican who is not here doing a show, just here having fun. Also a guest spot from Pete Johansson. Very good, and a great venue, they insisted we go in ahead of the queue to be sure pregnant lady got a seat. It's a nice real comedy club full time too rather than a converted space. We are going back to this today too as we enjoyed so much.
We found a relatively nearby pub The Conan Doyle where we arranged to meet for the main evening show Dylan Moran, then Clare headed back to rest and I went to Nick Helm 2 at the Pleasance dome. Best show so far, maybe best show ever! He really tore the roof off the sucker. Reminds me of seeing The Darkness. Really enjoyed this one, was determined to go back today with Clare, but now I'm not sure 3, can it possibly live up? Don't let me comparing him to The Darkness put you off.
We had reserved seats for Dylan Moran, everything else has been unreserved, and somehow we had front row centre. Bit too close really but he did not pick on the audience. He just rambled really, then suddenly stopped for an interval seemingly mid sentence, then came on and rambled again for another forty minutes or so. I did not think it was amazing, and for the record I thought that BEFORE he started having a go at vegans.
Tried to get some food after that show, somewhere nearby that advertised "open till late", turns out they meant 10pm rather than the 5am that everyone else is doing while the festival is on. Got chips instead.
Went to Set List 4 as my late night show, as Richard Herring had mentioned it. This meant hanging around for an hour after Clare had gone back to the hotel. I could have fitted another show in but once I knew where I wanted to be I hung out in the pub instead. Set List was OK, not amazing. It's improv, and I hate improv, but I think I only hate improv with props like on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", this is different, the comics are given subjects to talk on, and the subjects are given by the audience who are only told they are suggesting made up band names. This show had Andrew Maxwell, Kumail Nanjani 5, Asher Treleaven, Nick Revell 6, Carl Donnelly and Chris Martin (not that one). They may not have been the Roseanne Barr and Robin Williams level of fame that they show on the website 4, but I did at least recognise some of them. Richard Herring is there tomorrow apparently.
Home, to bed!
💬 Richard Herring's Edinburgh Podcast
💬 Richard Herring: Talking Cock
💬 Richard Herring's Edinburgh Podcast
⬅️ Edinburgh Fringe day two :: Jimmy White is at Lanterns on Bank Holiday monday ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.