Blog2012 ≫ Turkey 2012 - we flew with Thomas Cook

Being the second part of my holiday roundup

Was a super early start as our flight was 7am or something? Maybe before. Anyway we ended up getting up at about 2am, to leave at 3am. We were going to try and transfer the boy to the car, but he woke up OK and was fine with it. Online check-in worked ok, so I had time to go in the pub at the airport. That's the best bit about holidays, going to the pub at stupid o'clock. I'm not a fan of flying, particularly not that early, but it went fairly smoothly, only a short delay. The boy was fine with it all, took the whole thing in his stride, we weren't sure how he'd be with an aeroplane. Only thing is, he fell asleep while we were taxiing, so missed take off.

The plane was a manky old crate, leg room was awful, and there were no TV screens. Man I hate flying at the best of times, this was a bit rubbish. Food on the plane was not that bad, I took a picture. I think Jim booked this as an extra, and at least it was vegan.

I tried to take a few pictures while we were flying, as visibility out of the window was great, and it looked as if the GPS in the camera was going to kick in, but they did not work out.

We landed safely.

You need a visa to get in to Turkey, it's just a case of queueing up and paying cash on arrival though.

Transfer to the hotel was a bit long, over an hour, and the driver seemed to get lost once, but was alright. Then this is where the previous blog post picks up...

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married + father to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.