Have not had much to right about for days now, but also oddly no time to write it in anyway. Can't think what I've been doing. Work has been hectic, and I have had a few hours of work from home too because of an issue (um, caused by me). Hopefully all sorted now though.
We got a real christmas tree at the weekend, it's taking up most of the lounge. Went to Dobbie's garden centre at the weekend to get some more decorations for it, and the general festive ambience. Ended up grazing a little bit and bought some wine and another present for the boy. I think we're good and ready to go for Christmas now.
Was the big work christmas party at the weekend too, I didn't go but it sounds like everyone had a great time. We have a busy week this week, the boy's nursery christmas party tomorrow lunchtime, so I'm taking the afternoon off. Mum and Dad visiting at the weekend so I'm taking Friday off too. So a nice short week! Then Friday night we have a meal out, unfortunate it clashes with Mum and Dad being here but at least they can babysit for us. Sunday afternoon we have another kids party, at The Grand in Folkestone. Father Christmas himself will be in attendance at this one. There is a particularly grubby santa outfit, it appears to be roughly my size, what can it all mean?
We have the last quiz before taking an extended christmas break this Wednesday too. We won again a couple of weeks ago, and came second last week. Would be nice to bow out on a high note, but we'll see.
I have been reading those 2000ad annuals I bought last week. They seem to have lost some of their thrill power since the 1980s.
Back to work. Here is our christmas tree:
UPDATE: I made that picture into a nice festive banner for my google plus page, which (I think) I made with this 1.
⬅️ So are we not part of Europe any more? :: Dinosaur Planet album is here ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed to Clare and father to 2, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.