Blog2011 ≫ John Otway is playing MJ Hibbett's Totally Acoustic

Totally Acoustic is ace, and so is John Otway, brilliant. It's at a new home since I went, but sure to be great:

Hello everyone - we've got a lot of Dinosaurs and a whole heap of Christmas to talk about this month, so let's get going shall we?


Thursday 8 December - The King & Queen, London

Totally Acoustic, with special SECRET guest JOHN OTWAY!

Saturday 10 December - Ostpol, Dresden, Germany

With The Lovely Eggs, Skint & Demoralised and Wickes

Sunday 11 December - Gretchen, Berlin, Germany

With Standard Fare, The Lovely Eggs, Skint & Demoralised and Wickes

Check for more information.


I'm sorry to say that the album STILL isn't available - the second attempt to make them went wrong too, so now we're with a different manufacturer and hoping to release it officially in January. However, I AM hoping to get them delivered next week and as SOON as I have them I'll put them in the online shop (along with the t-shirts) and send out a big email to let everyone know. Sorry it's taking so long, but hopefully you WILL be able to get a copy before Christmas!

And talking of Dinosaurs at Christmas...


We're very happy to announce the release of our first ever official Christmas card, HERE:

The artwork is once again by John Allison and there's a DELIGHTFUL verse inside - I got these made for Promotional Purposes but we have a couple of hundred SPARE so thought other people might like them, as they are GORGEOUS! Five quid for ten cards - what could BE more festive?


Staying on a Christmas Tip we have TWO Christmas songs coming out this month - a cover of a Christmas Classic on the Joyzine advent calendar and a new Validators track for Fika Recordings. I'm not sure what days we'll be appearing on, but songs should start appearing from tomorrow, HERE:


We're back for another series of Totally Acoustic at our new home, The King & Queen. The podcast for November's show is already online, HERE:

It was a lovely show, featuring A Little Orchestra along with the final London performance of 'Moon Horse'. The next one, on December 8th, promises to be even MORE special, as we have the living LEGEND (and my HERO) Mr John Otway playing!


I went to Brentwood last week, to do a session featuring a few songs from 'Dinosaur Planet' - you can hear them HERE:

And finally, I'm gradually booking some Validators gigs for 2012. Our CUNNING PLAN is to try and play festivals and all-dayers and so forth, so if anyone fancies booking us do get in touch. Me and Steve are also sorting out the final performances of Moon Horse, which will be coming to a close mid-February next year. If you haven't seen it yet you've not got long left!

And that's about enough for now - I'll be back in a couple of weeks (touch wood) when the album's ready!

Cheers, Mark

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.