Blog2011 ≫ Super long weekend

Have had mum and dad here for a few days and put them to work in the garden! We (mostly they) have cleared all the shrubs from the overgrown corner of the back garden, so where it used to look like this1,

the garden when we moved in

now it looks like this

the garden after it was done

Maybe a little bare at the moment, but as things grow it will look gorgeous. See those slabs in the far corner? They just about mark out the corners of my new shed, which is being delivered soon. Got a nice discount by going in to B&Q on royal wedding day too.

More productivity, I got my Buffalo Linkstation back to life by basically just pressing the reset button again and again and again. It's all good again now, so I have NAS action around the house. Also we replaced a busted extractor fan in the en-suite, trimmed the hedge out the front (first go on the massive electric hedge trimmer that Jim gave me) and generally tidied up the paths.

We all watched some of the royal wedding, it was actually quite interesting. Mum loved it anyway, that was the main thing.

Yesterday morning we went to a good boot fair in Hythe while Clare cooked a fabulous roast dinner for everyone. I got some books and puzzles for the boy and a few rusty old tools for myself, just the thing to decorate my new shed.

Today is the fifth day of my own very long weekend, but Clare has gone in to work, perhaps for some peace and quiet. A short week again for me, I have some more odd scattered days over the next couple of weeks to share in the child care, which is great. He's napping now, I am mostly making arrabiata for tea today and curry for tea tomorrow. When he gets up we're going for a walk somewhere, nowhere too exciting though as Clare as the car.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Married + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.