Blog2011 ≫ Glorious weekend

Marvellous weather

After the dodgy start of the boy being sick in the car, the rest of the weekend was great. Saturday night we cooked a massive fajita feast. I would like to think I did most of the work, it was my idea and Saturday afternoon I did some pretty important prep, but Clare did the actual final doing. I made guacamole and salsa from scratch, with some avocados and tomatoes I bought at the boot fair in the morning. I hoped to get some chilli plants but despite the lovely sunniness it is still too early. So, chillis came from the supermarket, I've saved the seeds and will try to propagate them. I made my own fajita mix too. Found lots of recipes saying how easy it was to make and that you shouldn't buy a packet but they all seemed to have onion powder and garlic powder in. Maybe I didn't look at enough recipes, but these seem less like recipes and more like copied ingredients from the back of a packet to me. Who has onion powder or garlic powder in the house? I tried to make my own by drying some onion and garlic in a low heat in the oven and crushing it up. I didn't get it quite dry enough so the fajita mix went a bit lumpy and so not easy to dust over my veges, but it all came good in a hot pan. I did spicy wedges too, and sausages and mushrooms to add to my veges and Clare chopped up some chicken to go with hers. Really made a very good meal, with enough leftover for lunch on Sunday too.

Sunday remarkably the weather was still good, better maybe, so we went out looking for another boot fair in the morning. None to be found, only the crappy seafront market on the old Rotunda site in Folkestone. Was a bit fresh and breezy on the seafront in the morning actually. The afternoon was lovely and hot though, so we went to the beach near the house. Took some great pictures on the phone, which I thought I had up online but I will have to check from home why they have not appeared yet... Just one of Clare and the boy at the crap market.

Disaster late yesterday afternoon, after the weekly skype conference with the family - where I left my nephew Jack happy and healthy - he fell off his bike on the way home and broke his arm! First day of the easter holiday today too, at least he will have something to talk about when he gets back to school.

Watched TV crime at the weekend, a new Lewis and Spiral too. Seen some good TV recently, really enjoyed daytime five part drama 32 Brinkburn Street (which I have been hilariously calling 32 Daytime Street) and US comedy Bored To Death too.

Happy birthday Jen!

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.