A gig you should go to on Tuesday
I saw Jenny Locker at Totally Acoustic before and she was ace, so you shoudl go to this. Next Tuesday at The Lamb, in London. Possibly there is more than one The Lamb in London, but the address should have automagically appeared on this page somewhere already, Lamb's Conduit Street I think... This update from Mark, one of the gigs has already passed, but absorb, enjoy.
Hello everybody - we've got a brand new album, all sorts of downloads and a whole new season of Totally Acoustic to talk about this time - let's ROCK!
Monday 28 February (tonight!) - Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, London
'Yes to AV' with Josie Long, Terry Saunders & Tiernan Douieb
Sunday 6 March (afternoon) - The Wilmington Arms, London
Sunday Hullabaloo with Elis James, Alison Bice and Sy Thomas - doors 3pm
tickets - http://www.wegottickets.com/event/109690
Tuesday 8 March - The Lamb, London
Totally Acoustic with Peter Buckley Hill, Simon Fox and Jenny Lockyer
Monday 21 March - Latest Music Bar, Brighton
T.U.R.D.S. with The Bobby McGees
Tuesday 22 March - The Lamb, London
Totally Acoustic with Superman Revenge Squad and Matt Tiller
Sunday 27 March - The Hop, Leeds
Supporting Sarandon as they launch their new album, also THEIR OWN BEER!
Tuesday 29 March - The Green Dragon, Croydon
Freedom Of Expression with Jeremy Ayre, Andy Glancy and Jenny Lockyer
Check mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/gigs.php 1 for more information.
This month I've written and recorded a whole brand new album for February Album Writing Month, called "Wonderful Wednesday", and am putting it on sale for oNE WEEK ONLY! I'm only going to make enough for people who pre-order it this week, so if you fancy owning a Genuine Collectors Item (with a BADGE too!) get yourself over to HERE:
mjhibbett.co.uk/releases/release.php?filename=wonderfulwednesday 2
Ordering finishes at 5pm on Monday March 7th, so get in QUICK! It'll be on bandcamp and maybe iTunes in a few weeks, but those versions won't be numbered, won't be actual CDs, and certainly won't come with a free badge!
As you can see from the gig listings, we're BACK at The Lamb for another season of Totally Acoustic. We've got loads of great acts booked and will be podcasting again - all the details are on the webpage, HERE:
totallyacoustic.com 3
We've had some LENGTHY studio sessions this month, and now have a working version of the first half hour of the album, all segued together. It sounds AMAZING! Tom's in the studio tomorrow night to get the rest of it sorted out, and then Tim's back soon to start MIXING. We're a way of finishing it just yet, but the last EXPLOSIONS are nearly done!
I'm playing at the Geekpop Virtual Festival, HERE from March 12th:
geekpop.podbean.com/festival/ 4
There's LOADS of GRATE people playing specially recorded sets, including Totally Acoustic alumni Helen Arney and Vom Vorton, and me and Mr Vorton have ALSO recorded a DUET which'll be out on the accompanying EP "Geek Like Me" along with five other acts - for more details on when that's out, best check their twitter feed HERE:
twitter.com/geekpop 5
And finally, I wrote and recorded a new song called "Monster Island" for The Pop For Kids Project - you can download it, and read more about the whole thing, HERE:
popforkids.blogspot.com/2011/01/pop-2-mj-hibbett-monster-island.html 6
popforkids.blogspot.com/ 7
And I reckon that's MORE than enough for this month - thanks for listening, see you next time!
follow us on twitter at twitter.com/mjhibbett 8
for almost daily updates follow the blog almost daily at mjhibbett.co.uk/blog/ 9
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⬅️ Oh yeah, went swimming :: A nice pair ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, restaurants, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.