Blog2011 ≫ My butt is frozen

Cold here, still not nice enough to do outdoor DIY. Buy some Habitat Radius furniture, go on...

Very cold here today, our water butt in the back garden has iced over which has made the top pop off again. Also all this cold + damp + wind has made my garden gate swell up and bust slightly off its hinges, there's a job for me. Waiting until it is dry again and nice enough to spend any time outside. Not sure I will have time this weekend, as Clare has an errand to run Saturday and then she's off to the cinema on Sunday so I won't get any time to myself. It will be Daddy and Harry's day of fun both afternoon instead! She's off to see The King's Speech which I really do not fancy the look of at all, though everyone says it is fantastic.

Nice Habitat Radius chest of drawers1 low starting price, collect from New Milton which is in Dorset I think. Very nice low armchair2 here also from the Habitat Radius range, but that's to collect from Birmingham. Both a bit far for me though I would quite like these. Also we don't have room for any more furniture until I convert the garage / loft, or get rid of some... Got an apothecary table that I loved when I first got but it's really starting to jar now with the rest of our furniture, I wonder if the time has come to get rid of it... It's quite handy for Harry's toys at the moment though, so we'll live with it.

Still getting lots of twitter messages intended for @djpaulyd I am guessing people who watch his tv show are a bit dim.

Message from Sky, new channel Sky Atlantic launches on Tuesday, it will be the new home of HBO, looks to group some good shows together. And it's HD, and it's free, we will be filling up our Sky plus a bit quicker I think... Still enjoying Alibi's offerings though, particularly Dalziel and Pasco and The Last Detective. Clare discovered yesterday that there was a previous series of The Last Detective in 1981 starring Bernard Cribbins, I wonder if it is still available anywhere? The one we are watchign is the more modern one with Peter Davidson and Sean Hughes.

Interesting thing from Popbitch3 yesterday Barbra Streisand's street of shops4. INSIDE her house.

Yeah I've written a lot today, it's mostly copy and paste though. I've noticed that my new speech bubble thing has thrown out the styling of my photo slideshow thing so that if I don't write a decent sized paragraph the pictures are all over the shop.

Time for work...

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.