Felix Dexter - Multiple Personalities in Order

FG ≫ 2010 ≫ Felix Dexter - Multiple Personalities in Order

Quarterhouse, 45 Tontine Street, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1JT - 01303 858500


15.00 Full Price - 13.00 Concession

Critically acclaimed for his characters and performance on BBC 2's 'Bellamy's People' and the star of Radio 4's 'Down The Line' Felix Dexter is on tour with his new stand-up and character show.

'Star of The Show' -The Guardian

'Very impressive' -Sunday Times

'The audience doubled over with tears in their eyes' Observer

'Excellent explosive and exhilarating performer' Guardian

Jo Cowdrey

💬 RE: Felix Dexter - Multiple Personalities in Order - 13799

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This is my site The FG that I set up in a fury of excitement when we first moved to Folkestone sometime in '04. I had been a frequent visitor for a while previous to that but I am technically one of those DFLs you get nowadays. This site was updated more frequently with a calendar of events and voting for best venues + things, and I know it was a useful resource for those who were moving to the area. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though just a couple of miles) it doesnʼt get as much love as it used to. Ironic really as The town is becoming the exciting place we always thought it was just about to. My name is not Gerald by the way, this comes from the name of a pretend newspaper in an episode of The Day Today or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, + how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are GRATE arenʼt they? Do contact me if you have something to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.