Aha it must be Jim Smallman headlining Folkestone Rugby club this Friday night (22/10/10)

FG ≫ 2010 ≫ Aha it must be Jim Smallman headlining Folkestone Rugby club this Friday night (22/10/10)

Jim Smallman1

press release thing posted at work had his name missing:

"An endearing and arresting onstage presence divulging finely crafted autobiographical anecdotes laced with deliciously dark humour. A welcome addition to any evening of quality stand-up. " Anthony J Brown - Promoter

"Wonderfully gritty ... his struggles with mental illness and alcoholism make for impressive comic pickings" - The Guardian, 2010

A talented comic - Time Out, 2010

The second he focuses, hes unbeatable theres an anger and sarcasm worthy of Jack Dee, Jo Brand, maybe even Bill Hicks. And all the time theres this sense of impotent outrage, of righteous frustration, thats up there with Basil Fawlty, the Blackadder dynasty, maybe even vintage Alexei Sayle - 4Laughs, 2009

Smallman playfully ruminates on his very comic life experiences an engaging and entertaining performance and a truly enjoyable evening - Three Weeks, 2010

Support Jason Patterson

Jason started out in comedy in 2006 and since then hes performed at comedy clubs all over the UK including: Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham, Brighton and Derby to name a few. Jason also won the Comedy Store Gong show (March 2008) and went on to perform a very impressive open spot there.

His strong performances have led to him being nominated for Best Newcomer at the Black Entertainment Comedy Awards 2008. Jason covers a range of topics in his material from Celebrities and Relationships to Gang Culture & his Parents. With the confidence & stage presence of a seasoned pro Jason Patterson is definitely one to watch out for.

Had the crowd cheering the last time I used him at my club Lonestar Comedy

Compere - Pam Ford

Stand up comedy is a passion of Pam Ford. Her life so far including; growing up in Australia, moving home 28 times, marrying and divorcing twice, and the two not so sweet Aussie kids in tow. This towering six foot Aussie diva, is lively outrageous, juggling both glamorous and bawdy material that would make a sailor blush. With her quick wit and wealth of material she is adaptable to many varied age and demographic of audience.

Beginning her comedy career whilst still a full time Pub landlady and mum, she soon out grew her little pub stage to perform all over the UK on the Comedy Circuit.

"Pam Ford is great. Book her and stand back for the tsunami of energy that bursts forth from her. Funny, engaging, likeable and, oh yeah very funny too. With great legs too! The Gag Factory

Pam Headlined my York gig, the only thing longer than her legs was the laughs, oodles of charm and charisma not to mention the jokes, guaranteed to add glamour to any bill, highly recommended. James Christopher Promoter

Pam Ford's first solo show at the Fringe is reminiscent of the height of the Northern working men's clubs and none the worse for that. A rousing audience-pleaser of a show with one corker of a jokeabout shaving only one leg which is worth the price of admission on its own.

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This is part of my site The 'Gerald that I set up in a fury of excitement when we first came to Folkestone in approximately 2004. I'd been a frequent visitor for a few years before that but I am technically one of those DFLs you get nowadays. The site was updated more frequently with a calendar of events + voting for favourite venues and things, and I know it was a useful reference for those who were thinking of moving here. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though only to Hythe) it doesnʼt get as much attention as it used to. Ironic really as The town is becoming the exciting place we knew it was just about to. My name is not Gerald by the way, this comes from a fake newspaper in an episode of Brasseye or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, + how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great arenʼt they? Do get in touch if you have anything to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.