Taking a break from watching paint dry...
Only did a tiny bit of decorating yesterday, as it was my "early" (Clare's lie in), so I got up with the boy and I took him to Screwfix, Homebase and the tip. I know how to treat my son! Screwfix was great, same prices as on the website 1, much cheaper than Homebase, B&Q etc, I bought more hollow wall anchors and picked up a catalogue. The catalogue is giving me ideas for waste disposal units, infra red repeaters and home security. Plus obviously chainsaws and other exciting stuff that they sell. Homebase to return some things we'd bought by mistake in an over enthusiastic trolley dash last weekend, and the tip to get rid of some of our recylcing. I didn't put it out on the right day last week, still getting in to the swing of living in a new place.
Went in to Hythe with Clare and the boy, and had some photo's taken for my passport. I had been putting off shaving or getting my haircut, thinking this would mean no new passport photos, so never having to go anywhere ever again, but Clare was not buying it. So for the next ten years my main ID will be that of a murderous tramp, COOL:
Had a splendid evening of curry and Wallander at home. Watched Strictly Come Dancing too, not my first choice but it's alright, and Clare loves it.
A fuller day of DIY today, painting the boy's bathroom (ok, the bathroom) and touching up other bits. Used some of my hollow wall anchors to fix a corner storage thing in the kitchen. Painting is not going badly, now I am used to it looking poor when it's wet, I am confident it is going to dry nicely. Next stop, spare room, kitchen, our bedroom, and then probably last of all the utility and study. Where I sit right now, while I should be getting back to the painting...
Actually we do have a monster buddleia looming over the garden that I have to cut down, a handsaw is hard work, a chainsaw isprobably the answer, plus a chipper to make it easier to dispose of. Screwfix here I come!
⬅️ BAR VASA - OPEN AS EVER, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT :: 1p for a Laura Ashley Milton table and six chairs ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.